
Origins: Unknown
Languages: Common
Life Expectancy: Unknown
Religion: Unknown
Status: Unknown

Much less is known about the Rioul compaired to the Zodian. The Rioul did backstab the Zodian with fear that the race was becoming too powerful. One night they overpowered the sleeping Zodian people and destroyed every man woman and child.

The way of the Rioul is based upon what the government wants. At birth they decide who the Rioul child will marry, what they specialize in, what they learn at school, who they work with, who they live with, and what their name will be. If a Rioul is to defy any specific part of their government's law, they are banished forever or put to death, depending on what the government wants. To put things bluntly, the Rioul way is very crude.

Thanks to Cristlefir for this information.

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