
Origins: Unknown
Languages: Unknown
Life Expectancy: 40 years
Approximate Age To Adulthood: 12 years
Adult Height: 4.5 to 5.5 feet
Adult Weight: 80 to 120 pounds
Religion: Unknown
Status: Unknown

It is unclear when or how the skaven race came to be, as these rat-like creatures did not come into contact with the other races of the universe until after their society was already fully-developed. Their warlike clans invaded the lands of their closest neighbours for decades, conquering a large area until their population mysteriously dwindled in the course of only a few generations. Now, hundreds of years later, the clans are collapsed and skaven are scattered all over where they try to stave off their imminent extinction.

Skaven have rat-like heads with large rounded ears, a long and pointed muzzle, and beady eyes. Their bodies are both compact and muscular with almost no fat. They are fur-colored (except for their tails) and white, black or a light brown shade in color. Skaven are comfortable on four feet, but can stand on two for short periods before experiencing discomfort.

Thanks to Cristlefir for this information.

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