Origins: Unknown
Languages: Unknown
Life Expectancy: 300 years
Religion: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Not much is known about the Yaiko but here are some facts:
- Most are already dead, only 26 remain in total not including s.h.f. Android17 and his family since they are only partially Yaiko
- Yaiko are very kind, good hearted, and sometimes weak when they are young but as we all know times change and over time they can become very strong and evil
- The natural hair colour of a Yaiko is always either gold, blue, purple, red or gray
- Yaiko are distant reletives of Saiyan and have diffrent levels such as the Saiyan do, for example "super saiyan 1, super saiyan 2, super saiyan 3 and super saiyan4". Bur of course their levels are different
- Yaiko are not immortal They just age very slowly, for example s.h.f. Android17 wont have a single gray hair till he's like 120. Most Yaiko live to be 300
- The Yaiko have a codebook with a total of 30 codes
- Some of their codes make the Yaiko seem arrogant, violent or cruel, but they're just a proud warrior race
- One of their codes states that having a child of another race is forbidden
- Very very very few Yaiko have green hair. It is said that Yaiko with green hair are of royal blood
Thanks goes to s.h.f Android17 for this information.
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