Auraka Eiridikh's Bio

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Late Soun Neh'dren

Age: Deceased

Height: 6ft8

Race: Meheri

Eyes: Lilac

Hair: Raven black and short

Distinguishing marks: A scar running down the centre of his left eye

Features: A calm and authoritative aura. Always wears the Eiridikh insignia ring of a Dragon

Colours: Black and dark grey

Weapons: Mostly he wielded the Damnation Sword, but he sometimes used a single headed axe

Special abilities: His speciality was to capture and keep souls , but he was also very capable of destroying them if the need called for it

Parents: Noudah (mother) and Saemchi (disgraced father)

General notes: Nicknamed Oblivion for his ability to completely destroy a soul. Regarding that would rather not fight unless his family or home are threatened

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