Max Guevara
Age: 19
Height: About 5ft7
Race: Unknown
Eyes: Brown, but they can turn blue sometimes from emotion
Hair: Dark Brown
Distinguishing marks: She has a barcode on the back of her neck
Features: She's always pale (which does worry me a lot sometimes.... often more then I care to admit)
Colours: Black and red
Weapons: Normally she fights with her fists
Special abilities: Enhanced Strength, Speed and Agility. Telescopic and Night Vision. Hyper Sensitive Hearing. Superior Mental processing Sills. Catlike reflexes/dexterity. Strong lung Capacity.. (Can hold her breath for 4+ Minutes)
Biological parents: Unknown
Adopted parent: Katsy (mother)
General notes: She's very prone to lashing out, but she's a person that generally keeps herself to herself and I respect that