Oni Nocturne's Bio

Unknown Copyright

Full name: Oni Vulpes Nocturne

Age: 16

Height: 5ft6

Race: A mixture of Fox and Human, which is obvious, as her animal traits contribute in ears, a tail and fur on her ankles-to-legs

Eyes: A light or dusty gold, somestimes slits

Hair: Black and dark plum and very, very long; reaching down to her hips

Distinguishing marks: Her face; pale (her natural skin tone) with soft, swiveling stripes of red on each side of her cheeks and forehead

Features: Her ankles are covered in stringy fur; plum and black, starting inches beneath her knees, and a tail (also bunched with fur), black ears, and her tiny, sometimes unnoticeable cattish fangs

Colours: Colorful yet kept to a dark shade, mostly purples and blues

Weapons: Her thin-slicing claws, and if magic she has yet to show any usage of it

Special abilities: Dexterity, flexibility, enhanced hearing and sight; both nocturnal and extensive

Biological parents: Unknown

General notes: Though she's a mixture of fox, she also the characteristics and traits of a feline (vocalization, golden eyes, dexterity, bounding/leaping.) She also has a small fetish for beads, pearls and chains

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