Wesley Cassius Rightsford's Bio

Unknown Copyright

Nickname and Preferred Name: Wes the Shadow

Age: 24

Height: 6ft7

Race: Human

Eyes: stunning sky blue

Hair: Prematurely white, shoulder length, hair and bangs that cover his eyes

Distinguishing marks: Wes has two blue vertically running lines under his eyes. He doesn't know how he obtained them. He also has a tattoo of a Dragon on his shoulder

Clothes: Wes wears a black sleeveless shirt, dark and tattered jeans and a black cloak

Weapons: Twin Shamshirs, called Cain and Abel

Special abilities: Wes is an elite umbramancer, and he is very skilled with his twin shamshirs. His speed is amazing

Family: Dark Mezkalf (Cousin)

General notes: Wes is a generally apathetic person. He has an exterior that suggests that he doesn't care about many things, and he's extremely independent. He comes and goes when he pleases, tending to stay only when something interests him. But once you get past his exterior, you may see that Wes is a very caring and selfless person, and he can often surprise you

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