This section is about some of the various types of magicks used.
I would like to thank Cristlefir for all of this.
Elemental Spirit magick allows the calling of various types of elemental spirits to perform minor tasks and acquire knowledge for the caster. 'Element' has a very broad definition, and includes not only the classic elements, but spirits of light, ice spirits, and the like. Usually the 'pure' elemental spirits are relatively useless because they are so limited in ability; the 'mixed' elemental spirits are much more flexible. Divinations available are usually used to gain information about contemporary events of various types. Spirits of air are able to listen to and pass on noises made in open air, spirits of earth are able to feel things underground, spirits of fire are able to create images of things within a certain range of flame, and so on. Mixed spirits are usually able to find and convey information of the component types, so a spirit of air and fire could perform the tasks of a spirit of air or a spirit of fire, but would be able to pass along information of both types if the conversation of interest was held near a campfire (flame in open air).
Astromancy allows manipulation of planar boundaries and the like. Divinations are used primarily to identify weak or strong planar boundaries and to determine to origin of extra-planar items. This form of magick is needed for most forms of interplanar communication, although 'routine' communication between a theomancer and their patron is covered by the relationship between them. Astromancy allows creation of gates, both interplanar and intraplanar, and the various teleportation effects. However, permanent gates require additional magickks in order to make them permanent, such as rune magickks.
Aeromancy (air), Aquamancy (water), Criomancy (ice), Geomancy (earth), Pyromancy (fire) are other forms of elemental magick that are more concerned with using the elements themselves to perform tasks. These magicks are less common than elemental spirit magick. Some divination is possible, but it will be more difficult and much weaker than that done using elemental spirits.
Biomancy performs many of the tasks now performed by so-called 'Necromancy', particularly those dealing directly with life force or biological functions. Undead are not affected in any way by biomancy (although a biomancer can almost always instantly identify undead as such). This form of magick incorporates the 'purest' healing abilities as well (certain other forms can perform basic healing of various types - oneiromancy can heal broken minds, geomancy can heal impact damage, pyromancy can help heal open wounds - through cauterization); biomancy is not so limited. Augmentation can also be done using biomancy; where a totemist can call upon the spirits to increase an ability, a biomancer directly affects the body to bring about the same effects - muscles are made more efficient, eyes may be modified, hands and feet may be made 'sticky' (for spider climb), and so on. Biomancy does incorporate regenerative magicks, and may be used in conjunction with necromancy to return a person to life - the spirit must be retrieved and applied to the body after the body is 'fixed'; the biomancer may then 'quicken' the body. This isn't always successful. Most biomancy is slow magick that requires close contact for the duration of casting, and outside of some diagnostic abilities there are no real divinatory abilities.
Cartomancy uses the power inherent in written and drawn material. The divinatory powers are considerable (consider the Tarot), as are those of scrying. All manner of written and drawn works (cards, books, scrolls, paintings, etc) may be created. While the obvious use of cartomancy is to create magick items, it is also used by certain priests to affect demons and spirits (think anime). Cartomancy does not include rune magicks.
Crystalmancy allows the user to release and control the powers inherent in various crystalline matrices (gems particularly). The powers vary between various types of crystal - immensely. This form also allows enchantment of crystals and various divination and scrying abilities. There are a couple different schools of crystalmancy that work in slightly different fashions. Like rune magick, there is too much material for this form to present more than a summary
Necromancy primarily consists of speaking with the dead; it does not include reanimating corpses (except in special cases) or destruction of life. As a result, this magick is used primarily for divination - recovering lost knowledge, guidance, and the like. It is also useful when trying to return a person to life, as one of the key steps is to return the spirit to the body; the spirit may not be summoned directly until the body no longer exists, but its location may be determined.
Oneiromancy is the art of using the dream world to gain knowledge - and a few other things. Most of the magicks are divinatory and deal with either prophecy or recalling information already known in a fashion that makes it more useful - relevant information is dragged from the subconscious and given context that makes it useful. Old information is suddenly remembered and relationships are realized. Other effects are possible to oneiromancers powerful enough to enter the dreamworld fully - a risky proposition.
Photomancy uses the power inherent in light and color; it is a form of 'elemental' magick in the same vein that aeromancy and pyromancy are. It is partly utility magicks (light, continual light), simple deception (dancing lights), and offense (color spray, prismatic spray). Static illusions may be formed, but more complex illusions are not available using photomancy; they are usually done using spirits or faerie magick. While divination is not really available, certain scrying obviously is.
Psychomancy is a form of biomancy that deals specifically with the brain and nervous system. It is a difficult magick to learn, but can provide immensely powerful effects for the energy used, within a certain range of effects. For instance, where an aeromancer may _hold_ a person by immobilizing him with 'solid air', a psychomancer need only suppress the victim's motor control center. Understandably, because of the relative subtlety of the magick and the precision required, most spells have a *very* short range. There are no real divination abilities.
Rhythmancy uses the power of music and dance. It tends to be 'cerebral' in the sense that it is probably the best for influencing minds ('when you've got them by the ears, their ... never mind'), and often has some healing effects. Probably the only divinations used here are to find discord - things that have gone awry in the subject.
These are mostly bindings, enchantments, wards, and other relatively permanent magicks. Rune magicks are typically used in conjunction with other types of magick, particularly those that involve summoning. Divinations consist of various identification abilities and foretellings. Again more material is available.
Sanguimancy is blood magick. However, the power comes not from spilled blood but from the bloodline of the caster. The ancestors of such casters may have included demons, daemons, gods, dragons, faeries, or the like. Such spellcasters tend to have much more native talent, but have great difficulty finding someone able to train them; their magick is wilder than that of other spellcasters, although not (usually) in the sense of wild surges
The various types of sanguimancy have more specific names, such as Dracomancy for a dragonchild. Cristlefir is not entirely happy with the names, though, so any suggestions would be welcome. The types of divination available vary for the various bloodlines, but tend toward enhanced senses rather than actual divination; fey characters tend to have second sight, demonspawn and godlings have the ability to detect extra-planar influences and can often determine alignment, and so on. It is uncommon for a blooded character to actually use other magick.
Theomancy allows the caster to call upon an extra-planar power to provide energy and direction for spells; this power may be good, evil, or neither (irrelevant rather than neutral). Divination is mostly concerned with prophecy or detection of extra-planar influence.
Totemancy is a form of spirit magick that deals with the spirits of animals and large areas of similar vegetation such as plains and forests. These magicks typically offer physical enhancements such as improved senses and heightened physical abilities. Divination is usually limited to sensing disruption in the natural order.
Umbramancy is the magick of shadow and darkness. It is probably the best for concealment, and offers many special methods of movement and attack. However, it is also quite vulnerable to sudden application of bright light; if shadows cannot exist in a place, this magick will not work.